Puppy Poop Tray
Turn the Puppy Poop Nightmare in to a dream
Puppy training tray fixes the nightmare quickly. It’s a game changer.
Here’s the problem:
Mum cleans up puppy poop and pee from day 1. Its an evolutionary response to reduce pathogens and predators. The puppies learn it from mum too. The slippery slope has started. When you wean pups and get them on solid food typically mother will not clean up and more. Then pups are trampling through and eating the feces. Now its your unpleasant job to tidy up. YUCK.
But there is a better way. This poop tray is design so it sturdy enough to be used by mum. Low enough (1.5″) that puppies can get up on it. The grate Spacing is close enough their paws don’t go through. But far enough apart that the poop falls through the grate. And is very quick to clean. The heavy duty vinyl covered metal grate is hinged to the plastic tray. Lift up in a jiffy & remove soiled paper towels, quick wipe and replace with new paper towels. Easy and fast to clean and keep poop away from puppies.
Most puppy trays have smaller square holes. Puppy poop is long like a tootsie roll and will not fall to the tray below thru these square holes. So feces stay on top, the puppies track or worse eat the poop!
This tray has 1/2″x 5″ holes. Poop falls thru quickly. It stays in the tray away from your babies. The tray is low, so puppies can getup on it . And the grate is solid, not flimsy, like many cheap plastic grates that puppies chew to pieces in short order..
Start using the training trays when pups are 3-4 weeks old and are starting to interact with one another.

Three sizes available, you choose which you want.
Small 16×12 $29 Toy breeds or just one puppy
Medium 24×16 $39 Small enough to fit inside a crate and can be used by many puppies
Large 30×16 $49 Great for larger puppies like Labs and litters of many puppies.
$14 FedEx shipping in the continental USA.
I put the medium in their crate at night and the larger in the play pen for day use.
Special: Get both medium & large. $79 & $17 FedEx ship
Made in the USA
Want one? Call me 580-799-2873. I ship fast by FedEx

Fast easy clean up
The vinyl covered metal grate is hinged. Simply lift the free side remove the soiled paper and replace with new in a jiffy. The plastic tray has a lip so any unabsorbed muck won’t leak out.

Low Profile
The tray is low at just 1 1/2″ high so the puppies can get on it easily.
"Thank you so much for creating this pan system. It's a huge improvement for our pups and making caring for them much easier! Also saving money with not going through the pee pads as much and keeping our environment clean!"
Jewel from Florida
Customer Comment 
"These poop trays are a fantastic product. I've tried dozens of setups in my many years as a breeder, but this is absolutely genius in its simplicity and effectiveness. It makes puppy "waste management" easy, fast and hygienic -cleanup is literally in under 30 seconds. It's a game changer for anyone who struggles with keeping their puppies clean and away from puppy muck. I just ordered my third set! And stellar customer as well. Many thanks, and keep those great ideas coming!"
Customer Comment 