Mando Full Fluffy Merle
Blue & Tan Merle Full Fluffy carries coco, cream & Pied, no Brindle
He has this thick beautiful coat. He makes Harlequin and Tweed babies. Short back cobby boy with a fantastic head and nice ear set. 23#
Both us and our customers love the litters he has been producing. He is one of our most popular studs.
Your litter with be on average half Merles, and fluffy or fluffy carriers
He has been producing blues, lilacs, cocos,fawns, black n tans, creams, platinums, merles,fluffies
Breed to:
Blue: get blues
Coco: get cocos that carry blue
Lilac: get blues and lilacs
Platinum: get blues, lilacs and platinums
Fluffy get all full fluffies
Merle: We never breed Merles to Merles.
Let’s have a conversation about your Frenchie girl and how we can make some beautiful puppies. Call James now at 580-799-2873